A Social Revolution
Part I
There is a flaw in human nature. This flaw causes war, terrorism, crime, and poverty. The flaw causes aggression, bullying, child abuse, assault, rape, and murder. The problem is not related to equality, freedom, or any system of justice. The problem has nothing to do with friendship, love, hate, morals, faith, government, or politics. The problem cannot be resolved by laws, constitutions, police, gods, bibles, or technology.
The cause has nothing to do with any group, organization, religion, country, or race. The cause, which exists at the individual level, has never been explicitly and properly identified, defined, and addressed. The cause of the problems relating to human interaction involves disrespect for human life. Respect is defined here, as are the three associated terms that identify the requirements of respect.
The word respect is defined by three characteristics that describe the regard one person has for others. Sensitivity is caring about the right of another person to live his or her life free from suffering, pain, and death. Unselfishness is the understanding that no one is better than anyone else and no one deserves more of anything than anyone else does. Sincerity is the refusal to use, deceive, manipulate, or take advantage of another person.
Sensitivity means caring about the right of an innocent person to live his or her life free from suffering, pain, and death. Sensitivity doesn’t require love and has nothing to do with emotional bonding of any kind. Sensitivity and respect have nothing to do with friendship, being nice, or socializing. Sensitivity doesn’t mean crying over sad situations, and being sensitive is not a weakness. A respectful person will not harm an innocent person, will not want to see an innocent person harmed, and will not allow an innocent person to be harmed if he or she can prevent it.
Unselfishness is the understanding that no one is better than anyone else and no one deserves more of anything than anyone else does. Everyone is born with the right to be respected, and that right gives every person the same intrinsic value and right to be respected that every other person has. There are no levels or variations to a person’s worth or value as a human being. This does not imply equality; there is no equality, nor does there have to be. Unselfishness directly addresses the flaw known as entitlement, the faulty premise that a person is owed anything other than respect and the right to live without suffering.
Sincerity is the refusal to use, deceive, manipulate, or take advantage of another person. Not one single person on the planet is better than any other person. If one person can be deceitful everyone can be deceitful. If everyone were deceitful laws would be inconsequential, courts would be useless, and no police officer, boss, coworker, teacher, neighbor, relative, friend, lover, or stranger could be trusted. There can be no hidden agendas. Common social behaviors are disrespectful, including talking about a person behind his or her back which constitutes deception.
Respect deals with one person’s regard for another and is defined by attributes which affect all human regard and interaction. From the time a person is born until the time he or she dies that person must be respected unless the person does something to lose the right to be respected. No human being ever has to do anything at all in order to be respected, so no one ever has to earn respect. Because respect involves one person’s regard for another there is no such thing as self-respect.
Every person is born with the right to be respected and every person is born with an obligation to respect innocent life. While nothing has to be done to earn the right to be respected, being respectful is something that must be learned. A person must learn to respect others just as a person has to learn everything else in life. A newborn’s predisposition generally cannot impact the process of learning respect. Respect is a basic concept that is easy to understand and learn. Without respect innocent human life cannot be protected and preserved. Many children are taught to socialize, succeed, and win, but not to regard the innocent with respect.
Every human being is born innocent. A person can remain innocent throughout his or her entire lifetime. Innocence has nothing to do with age, knowledge, maturity, personality, status, sexual activity, or life style. Behaviors, actions, beliefs, and outcomes do not influence innocence if they do not intentionally direct harm toward an innocent person. A person loses his or her own innocence only by intentionally harming another innocent person.
A person is innocent if he or she respects others and has never intentionally harmed an innocent person. A person loses the right to be respected when he or she does not respect another innocent person. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are, it doesn’t matter who is involved, and it doesn’t matter how a crime is committed or why. A person loses all rights when he or she harms, or intentionally allows harm to come to, an innocent person.
The disrespectful regard for others can result in behaviors and actions that harm innocent people. When an innocent person is harmed, only the victim matters. No one has the right to intentionally harm an innocent person. No one has the right to intentionally allow an innocent person to come to harm. If an innocent person is harmed, the victim is the only concern. Perpetrators of crimes in which innocents are harmed have no rights.
Every criminal throughout the history of mankind has been disrespectful. Disrespect is the cause of all crime against people and is also the cause, directly or indirectly, of most non-violent crime. People are often disrespectful either because they were not taught respect, they implicitly learned behaviors that were disrespectful, or they were themselves harmed by disrespectful treatment. Mental illness and physiological issues can also cause disrespectful behavior. The reasons for someone being disrespectful are irrelevant if an innocent person is harmed.
Respect deals with the absolute regard for an innocent person’s right to life without suffering at the hands of another. Every person deserves respect unless or until he or she becomes disrespectful or harms an innocent person. Many common human attributes, behaviors, and circumstances are inconsequential with regards to respect. Respect is defined only by sensitivity, unselfishness, and sincerity.
Any behavior that represents insensitivity, selfishness, or deceit is disrespectful, and it begins with how a person regards others. No one is better than anyone else, which means that every person on the planet has the same right to live without suffering. Any belief or behavior that does not hold innocent human life in the highest regard is disrespectful. Situations that result in the harming of innocent people begin with the disrespectful regard of others.
The disrespectful regard for innocent human life is not an attribute or characteristic of any specific type of person or definable demographic. A person is not a criminal because he or she looks like a criminal. A person is not an angel because he or she looks like an angel. No attributes or characteristics can be used to determine whether or not a person is disrespectful other than sensitivity, unselfishness, and sincerity. Disrespect exists throughout the race.
A number of opinions, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are acceptable even though they may be deemed undesirable by some people. Beliefs, behaviors, and actions are disrespectful and wrong only if they show a disregard for innocent human life. Sensitivity, unselfishness, and sincerity determine what is wrong. It makes no difference whether a belief or action is personally desirable or undesirable. Every person must be respectful and must not harm an innocent person. Hurting someone’s feelings is not disrespectful.
Every innocent person is worth the same as every other innocent person. There is only one level of respect. Respect is conceptually singular and discrete. The right to be respected is the same for everyone and there are no factors that render one person deserving of more respect than another. The right to be respected can be lost by actions that are disrespectful or that harm another, but no amount or degree of respect can be added. A person’s actions do nothing to improve his or her value or worth as a human being.
Every person has the same right to be respected as every other person, regardless of any situation or position. There is no case where one person deserves more respect than another person, even in extreme or polarizing situations. No advantage, situation, or position can result in one person being worth more than another.
A person’s accomplishments or performances may make that person known or famous, but those accomplishments or performances do not affect the person’s worth as a human being. A person’s accomplishments cannot influence that person’s worth or value. Someone can provide an exemplary performance or accomplish a tremendous feat, but if that person is disrespectful he or she has no value as a human being. A person is defined by their respect, and any performance or accomplishment must be regarded separately from the person.
The acquisition of a material element does not increase the worth or value of a person. Material elements are sometimes employed as extensions of a person with the intention of impressing others. While material elements can be useful, advantageous, or fun, they have no affect on the worth of a person. There is no reason to be impressed by anyone or anything, let alone for something they possess. Nothing but respect establishes the worth of a person.
Respect deals with human action and interaction as it relates to the value of human life and human suffering. No accomplishment alters the worth of an individual, but this does not invalidate or lessen the importance of the accomplishment itself. Every person can spend his or her lifetime driven to create, accomplish, succeed, and improve, both for his or her own sake and for the sake of protecting life and preserving the future of the race. Accomplishments simply cannot affect the value or worth of an individual. Every person can feel pride, satisfaction, and joy at every accomplishment and every self-improvement. Only disrespect can invalidate a person, often due to issues such as vanity, egotism, and greed.
Accomplishment, success, and self-improvement can reward an individual with feelings of pride and satisfaction. That pride and satisfaction must never be in reference to any other any person. If there is competition there will be winners and losers. While this is perfectly acceptable when playing a game, life is not a game. No one can lose in life. Everyone has the same value, worth, and right to life. If people lose in life they can suffer or die, and their recourse will be either to lie down and die or fight to survive. When someone who has lost all hope decides to fight to survive, innocent people are often the victims.
Those stricken with poverty are not problems to be moved to someone else’s region. Most poverty stricken and homeless people do not want to be in the position they are in. People who are functionally or socially less capable are not worth less than anyone else. Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on medical research and medical procedures when a fraction of that would prevent the suffering of the poor. It is a punishable crime to believe that the poor put themselves in the position they are in and could work if they wanted to. While this is sometimes the case, in generally the poor and homeless have little choice. Poverty must be addressed by region. Fixing poverty involves lowering taxes for lower and middle income families, raising taxes for the wealthy, and reducing the world’s population.
Many people struggle a lifetime to survive and be accepted and be okay, and social dysfunction is a detrimental determining factor in the struggle. No one ever has to do anything in order to be respected. Many unnecessary social behaviors have evolved due to widespread disrespect. A number of these behaviors and beliefs often associated with being respected or being accepted serve no purpose. Not only are these social behaviors unnecessary, they can actually produce disrespectful actions or result in situations that propagate disrespect.
The need to fit in or be a part of something can arise due to antagonists such as poverty, survival instinct, abuse, fear, loneliness, insecurity, boredom, and disrespect. The result can lead to the formation of organized groups that may endanger innocent human life. The childhood environment can set the stage for such activity as well. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with a group or a gang, but any regard or behavior that jeopardizes the safety of innocent human life is disrespectful. Group behavior can include political and activist groups.
Respect requires that there be no deception and no manipulation, rendering some forms of socializing invalid. Socializing with the intention of reaping a benefit represents a business transaction and must be identified as such. Respectful socializing involves no deception, manipulation, or motive other than to know someone. Socializing is often utilized as a tool to raise status, which is disrespectful because the concept of status is nullified by respect. If someone is socially inept due to lack of proper upbringing he or she must be helped, not ostracized, bullied, or harmed due to lack of social skills. No one owes anyone anything other than respect so no one is obligated to socialize with others, but there can be no disrespect. Gentle courtesy is recommended for social interactions.
Inadequate social skills and accompanying personality issues can lead to poverty, violence, and aggression. Social skills and personality are usually developed early in life and are influenced by primary caregivers, the childhood environment, or the aftermath of traumatic events. The effects are long-lasting because those with improper social skills or aberrant personality traits are ostracized instead of receiving help to correct the issues. The results can include the inability to obtain or retain work and often evolve into loneliness, despair, addiction, abuse, and crime. There is no obligation to socialize with anyone.
It is important to be respectful, not to be liked. If a person is respectful he or she doesn’t have to do anything else to be “okay”. A respectful person is automatically a best friend to anyone who is respectful, because sensitivity, unselfishness, and sincerity represent the definitions of a best friend. Many people seek out and establish friendships for the wrong reasons. Friendship is not a game and friends cannot be won. Friendship can be healthy but it is not necessary, and a person may appear to be a friend but may not actually be.
Love is an emotional bond unrelated to respect. Emotional bonds are secondary bonds between two people that often takes time and effort to develop based on multiple internal attributes, exposures, and interactions. True love can be based only on a person’s intellect and nothing more. Physical attributes and characteristics are irrelevant to emotional bonding. Puppy love can represent true love, though adult love often is not. While respect does not require love, love itself does not conflict with any aspect of respect. Very few characteristics, attributes, or situations affect true love. Love does not solve problems other than personal loneliness. If love were a requirement for philanthropy, a person would have to love everyone he or she helped, which is absurd.
Looks, beauty, and physical appearance are relevant only with regards to sexual attraction and can serve no other purpose. Sexual attraction is a primary bond which is automatic and nearly instantaneous. A person’s physical appearance cannot indicate that person’s level of respect. A person’s looks are only significant to other people who are looking at the person, and that significance relates only to sexual attraction. There is nothing wrong with wanting only sex based on physical appearance as long there is respect. Attributes such as beauty, facial features, hair, clothes, skin color, and body serve only the purpose of sexual attraction. If someone’s physical appearance is not acceptable, don’t fuck them or suck them. Sexual attraction can be affected by other attributes and characteristics, but physical appearance itself serves no other purpose.
Sexual morality is a personal preference and is no one else’s business unless disrespect is present or an innocent person is harmed. Sex is feeling, fingering, licking, fucking, sucking, jerking off, and everything else that feels good. Sex is fun, it doesn’t hurt, and it’s not wrong. There are no obligations regarding sexual attraction, so a person can change his or her mind at any time, even from one day to the next, regarding sexual activity, preferences, and partners. The only requirements regarding sexual morality involve disease and pregnancy, which must be avoided at all costs. Rapists and abusers of young children have no rights, but all other sexual activity is acceptable.
Any religious or non-religious belief, faith, or practice is acceptable as long as respect is adhered to and no innocent person is harmed. No believer of any faith or practice has a right to ask or want another person to believe in or follow a given faith or practice. No one has any say against a belief, faith or practice unless disrespect is involved or innocent people are in danger or are harmed. A religion is rendered invalid and its followers become criminals if the teachings and practices involve disrespect or the harming of innocent people. Many people adhere to religious methodologies because they are lonely, insecure, afraid, ashamed, guilty, fleeing from disrespect, are looking for answers to questions that can’t be answered, or have a desire to congregate with good people. Many people are simply raised with a specific faith or set of beliefs and practices.
Never once in all of history has there been actual proof of a god, and no god has ever shown his face. No god would allow the existence of Hitler, terrorists, serial killers, child abusers, bullies, heroin addiction, or homelessness. The claim that a god won’t prevent suffering and wrongdoing due to people’s free will is ludicrous; there might as well not be a god.
A region is an area established to define boundaries for the responsible care of others. While respect is not limited by boundaries, responsibility requires boundaries for fiscal reasons. Region levels start with a family or household and steadily expand to encompass the entire planet. Each region level must take care of its own before expanding to the next region level. Low and middle income households, as well as those persons living in poverty, are never responsible for region levels beyond their own household.
Those who wish to create regions that are separate from established regional boundaries should be free to do so. This includes survivalists, end of world believers, and anti-government groups. However, in order to prevent hypocrisy and degenerate worthlessness, people involved in such movements cannot make use of any of the products or services produced by the region they are rebelling against. To rebel against the system that is trying to support the region means to not use or have access to what the system provides.
Respect is not subjective. Everyone has a right to their opinion when it comes to food, clothing, lifestyle, and anything else that does not involve respect for human life. If respect were subjective a person could choose to be respectful or choose not to be respectful. If that were the case, several billion innocent people could be harmed in a relatively short period of time and by definition there could be no consequence. There would be no need for laws, police, courts, or prisons as disrespectful people destroy the civilized world. This situation currently exists in several isolated regions.
Every individual has an obligation to maintain a respectful regard for innocent human life. Nothing that anyone says or does is of any consequence to anyone else unless disrespectful behavior is involved or innocent human life is at risk. If a person’s behavior is not insensitive, selfish, or deceitful, that behavior is no one else’s business. Regardless, no one’s personal attributes, characteristics, behaviors, or choices are anyone else’s concern unless there is a desire for sexual gratification or a love-based relationship.
Anger, temper, and impatience are caused by disrespect. Anger, temper, and impatience are exemplified by expectation. Many people expect they are better than others, expect things to go a certain way, expect to be listened to, expect to be understood, expect everything to be done perfectly, expect no mistakes or misunderstandings, and in general maintain an expectation from life and from other people that is not realistic. This often holds especially true for adults with regard to children. No one has the right to raise their voice to an innocent person. No one has the right to raise their hand to an innocent person. No one has the right to think less of an innocent person. No one has the right to get angry at or impatient with an innocent person. A person can get angry at himself or herself but not at anyone else.
Complaining is an abomination most often encountered in a spoiled civilized region. There are very few reasons to complain, and because complaining isn’t always constructive it usually doesn’t make sense to complain about anything or anyone. Because talking about a person behind their back is disrespectful, complaining needs to be done to the target of the complaint and no one else. The realities of life often nullify the right to complain.
End of Part I.
Read Part II here
Von Krome
Initial Upload June 18, 2017